Odoo Training Part II: Mastering Customer and Case Management

This module provides a detailed guide to managing customer interactions and tracking cases in Odoo. The focus is on leveraging the Customer Card as a centralized hub and utilizing the Tracing Screen to follow each customer’s journey, ensuring efficient and consistent customer service.

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2. Which section in the Customer Card includes address details, phone numbers, and tags?
4. In the Basic Customer Information section, which field is specifically for data team categorization?
6. Which section of the Tracing Screen includes information about call attempts, emails sent, and response requirements?
7. In the Setup Information section, which field indicates if the customer’s battery system is connected to the grid?
9. Where do you find the tracking of how the customer first heard about the recall?
11. Which tool in the Tracing Screen is used to track all inbound and outbound communication with the customer?
12. Which one is an Unacceptable Serial Format?
14. Which of the following Job Types would NOT require an Identified Date in the Battery Recall Information?
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